Blogs from Crist Chiropractic

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Break the Cycle - How to Tackle Stress Headaches

Break the Cycle: How to Tackle Stress Headaches

By Dr. Jason Crist | June 21, 2023

Are you eager to put an end to the relentless cycle of stress-induced headaches? If you’re on the lookout for top-tier chiropractic solutions for tension headaches in Franklin, TN, you’ve made a promising start! Keep reading to learn more. The Bottom Line Have you experienced being “stressed out” multiple times…

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Tech Neck: The Modern Malady and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

By Dr. Jason Crist | June 15, 2023

In an increasingly digital world, our lifestyles have become more sedentary and screen-centric. While advancements in technology have undoubtedly simplified our lives in many ways, they have also introduced a new set of health challenges. Among these is a phenomenon known as ‘tech neck’. What is Tech Neck? Tech neck,…

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Know Your Headache: Targeted Treatments for Relief

By Dr. Jason Crist | June 15, 2023

Are you searching for effective migraine and tension headache treatments in Franklin, TN? The first step in this journey involves understanding the various kinds of headaches, their potential causes, and the key symptoms to be aware of. Continue reading to explore further. The Bottom Line Each individual’s headache experience is…

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The Natural Advantage - Chiropractic Care for Improved Athletic Performance

Achieve Athletic Mastery: The Role of Chiropractic in Sports

By Dr. Jason Crist | May 17, 2023

Let me drop a name for you: Michael Jordan. Let’s be honest. While I might not parallel “Air Jordan” in terms of athletic prowess, and my name may not ring a bell beyond the warm and welcoming confines of Franklin, TN… Just like me, he grasped the essence of chiropractic…

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Unlock Your Athletic Potential - The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Chiropractic Care For Your Athletic Potential

By Dr. Jason Crist | May 10, 2023

We’ve made it to the big leagues! Almost every professional sports team, including baseball, hockey, football, and soccer, now has chiropractors on their staff. I can’t help but smile knowing that the secret is out! Even local high-school teams in Franklin, TN understand the benefits of chiropractic care for athletes…

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Play Hard, Recover Better - Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports

Play Hard, Recover Better: Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports

By Dr. Jason Crist | May 4, 2023

“Play hard or go home” is a popular catchphrase that takes on a new meaning when it comes to chiropractic care, especially for athletes. As a chiropractor in Franklin, TN, I have seen many avoidable injuries in weekend sports. That’s why I believe in adopting the motto “play hard and…

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3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

By Dr. Jason Crist | February 28, 2023

A neighbor of mine once told me “Getting old is not for the faint of heart,” and that’s always stuck with me. After all, haven’t we all had one of those days where we wake up somehow having managed to injure ourselves in our sleep? Or, if you’re like an…

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Woman with hands holding her waist because of lower back pain in her sacroilliac joint.

Why Spinal Decompression is Superior to Inversion Treatment?

By Dr. Jason Crist | February 28, 2023

With the abundance of DIY videos, many individuals may opt for a shortcut or an easier route. However, when it comes to matters of health, there are no safe alternatives. In the case of a spinal injury, failing to seek professional guidance could result in worsening of the injury. Despite…

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pinal Disc Health 101 - The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

By Dr. Jason Crist | February 23, 2023

“Move it or lose it!” I’m not really sure where that started, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the person who originally coined that phrase was a chiropractor… thinking about spinal disc health and proactive care. Seriously, It seems that so many of us just don’t realize movement can and…

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Man sitting at desk in pain due to a pinched nerves in his shoulder

Causes and Treatment for Pinched Nerves in the Shoulder Blade

By Dr. Jason Crist | February 15, 2023

Have you ever experienced a pain and tingling sensation that travels down your arm? It’s possible that you are experiencing a pinched nerve in your neck or shoulder. However, there is no need to worry as this is typically a temporary condition, and there are ways to find pain relief.…

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