The Elephant in the Room

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I would like to address the elephant in the room. No, not the recent presidential election but rather the rise in Coronavirus cases.

For the most part, all we are hearing is “how to fight the coronavirus” rather than “how to strengthen the host (you)”.

There is still very limited discussion on how to improve our own immune system. Here are some of techniques that I use:

1. Optimize Sleep: This is at the top for a reason. More and more research is showing how impactful 7-9 hours a night is. A cool, blacked out room works great.
2. Reduce Stress: The changes in cortisol levels with stress can vastly affect immunity.
3. Supplements: Vitamin C (1000 mg), Vitamin D (5000 iu), Zinc (30 mg), Quercetin (500 mg) daily.
4. Exercise: Yoga, weight workouts and outdoor walks.
5. Meditation/mindfulness exercises.
6. Breath work: Practice a deep, slow breath “in” for a count of 4 seconds and then “out” for a count of 4 seconds for two continuous minutes. Do this 3x day, first thing in morning, at lunch, and bedtime.
7. Healthy Diet: Reduce sugars, alcohol and highly processed vegetable oils. Avoid canola, corn, soybean and safflower oils. Instead use olive, avocado, ghee and coconut oils.

No matter how healthy we are or how much we try to avoid a virus, there is still a chance we could get infected. Therefore, an important part of decreasing those chances is focusing our efforts on improving our inborn body’s ability to fight foreign invaders. The stronger the host (you) is, the less chance of getting infected.

It’s amazing to think of how our bodies are designed to heal and protect us. How EMPOWERING is that!

About the Author
Dr. Jason Crist founded Crist Chiropractic in Franklin, Tennessee, with a vision to provide health and healing naturally. His personal journey of avoiding surgery ignited his passion for non-invasive care, earning him "Chiropractor of the Year" for his holistic approach.

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