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Bulletproof My Immune System

The Twenty-One Resources I Use To Bulletproof My Immune System

By Dr. Jason Crist / March 30, 2020 /

Natural health is one of my true passions and I enjoy sharing new info.  As we continue to adapt with these circumstances, I want to give you some convenient resources that my family and I use. This lengthy email covers what I personally use in the categories of:  exercise, foods, health and supplements. Exercise: – Boho Beautiful-  My wife and I…

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A Conversation on Coronavirus

By Dr. Jason Crist / March 4, 2020 /

My thoughts and love is sent to all that have been affected by the devastating tornadoes.  Last weekend, I had an interesting conversation with someone regarding the Coronavirus. The gentleman, I was talking with had a strong stance on the limitations we have in contracting the virus.  He went on to say that there were only…

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Woman upset on the phone after a car accident.

3 Worst Mistakes You Can Make With Your Tennessee Personal Injury Case

By Dr. Jason Crist / August 16, 2019 /

We hope it will never happen, but at some point in your life, you may get into a car accident. If that happens and you have an injury, here are the three biggest mistakes to avoid with your personal injury case. 1) Permitting any gaps to appear in your personal injury health treatment Don’t postpone…

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Exercise class with cowbell weights

Should You Exercise After a Chiropractic Adjustment?

By Dr. Jason Crist / July 24, 2019 /

Normally, it’s fine to head to the gym after you get a chiropractic adjustment. However, you still have to give some thought to a few facts. Adjustments are meant to produce improved movement in your body. During your chiropractic appointment, your chiropractor will usually show you some sort of exercise and watch as you do…

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Man receiving a chiropractic adjustment

What You Need to Know About Chiropractic Care

By Dr. Jason Crist / June 26, 2019 /

Chiropractic care is professional healthcare. It centers on the connection between your body’s construction and how it functions. Chiropractic care focuses on your spine. Chiropractors use several different kinds of treatments. They mostly practice called adjustments or manipulations on the spine, neck, and shoulders. These practices correct problems with alignment, can relieve pain, and help…

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Woman blowing nose due to allergies

How Do Chiropractors Treat Allergies?

By Dr. Jason Crist / June 10, 2019 /

Almost everyone deals with allergies. During allergy season, many people stock up on over-the-counter medications. Allergy symptoms can include itchy, watery eyes and a stuffy, sneezy nose. In industrialized nations, the most common chronic sickness is allergies. More people seem to be developing them all the time. Studies say up to 40 percent of the…

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Man holding his neck at his desk due to neck pain

Stiff Neck Remedies

By Dr. Jason Crist / May 28, 2019 /

These days so many people are always looking at their phones or computer screens. It’s not surprising that the CDC and Prevention magazine both say about 20 percent of the population complain about having a stiff or painful neck in the last 90 days. Chiropractors will tell you that you usually get a stiff neck…

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pregnant woman

Can I Use a Chiropractor to Relieve Back Pain When I’m Pregnant?

By Dr. Jason Crist / March 20, 2019 /

Back pain tends to be a very common complaint among pregnant women. Because of their pregnancies, it can be more complicated to treat.  Gentle and non-invasive treatment works best for pregnant women. For back pain, gentle chiropractic adjustments and massage work wonders. Chiropractic care focuses on the entire body as a whole. This includes the…

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Man with pain from a car accident needs chiropractor Franklin, TN

Why It’s Important to Seek Medical Treatment After your Car Accident

By Dr. Jason Crist / February 6, 2019 /

Are you injured in car accident? You may not realize you need to see a doctor after your car accident. Making that call is one of the most important things you will do after filing reports and notifying insurance companies. You may feel a little “stiff,” but you’re sure the pain will go away on…

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Woman in workout gear holding her back from sciatica pain in lower back

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

By Dr. Jason Crist / October 10, 2018 /

Sciatica is a very common source of back pain.  It refers to nerve pain that begins in the lower back or buttock area and travels to one leg, or sometimes both.  Pain that originates in another area of the body that is different from the source of the pain is called neuralgia, referred pain, or…

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