spinal decompression

Relieve Pain With Pain Management in Franklin, TN

Relieve Pain With Pain Management in Franklin, TN

By Dr. Jason Crist / December 5, 2023 /

Embark on a journey to better health with Crist Chiropractic’s Spinal Decompression therapy.  Why Trust Crist Chiropractic? Trust in Our Expertise for Holistic Pain Relief At Crist Chiropractic, trust is built on our proven track record of providing effective, natural pain relief since 1999. Our experienced team, led by Dr. Jason Crist, combines chiropractic excellence…

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Comprehensive Guide to Neck Pain Relief

Comprehensive Guide to Neck Pain Relief

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 29, 2023 / Comments Off on Comprehensive Guide to Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief: Understanding and Overcoming Discomfort Neck pain is a common yet debilitating condition that can significantly disrupt your daily routine. Whether it originates from an injury, degenerative spinal conditions, or poor posture, the discomfort demands immediate attention. It’s a widespread issue, with an estimated 70% of people experiencing neck pain at some point…

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Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief

Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief 

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 24, 2023 / Comments Off on Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief 

Back pain is a prevalent issue, impacting up to 80% of adults at some stage. When seeking non-surgical relief, many discover spinal decompression therapy, which employs intermittent traction to relieve spinal discs and nerve pressure. This method is particularly effective for various spinal conditions and back pain.  However, traditional traction therapy also merits consideration as…

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Finding Relief from Neck Pain The Powerful Impact of Chiropractic Care

Finding Relief from Neck Pain: The Powerful Impact of Chiropractic Care

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Finding Relief from Neck Pain: The Powerful Impact of Chiropractic Care

The Burden on Your Neck Our necks have a demanding task. They bear the weight of our heads, which might seem light at around 11 pounds, but this load demands constant, harmonious work from the neck’s seven bones and 20 muscles. This complex system ensures smooth movement and balance, but it’s also vulnerable to various…

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How to Improve Your Posture Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health

How to Improve Your Posture: Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health in Franklin, TN

By Dr. Jason Crist / October 24, 2023 / Comments Off on How to Improve Your Posture: Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health in Franklin, TN

Are you struggling with slumped shoulders or a nagging backache? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At Crist Chiropractic in Franklin, TN, we’ve been specializing in spinal care since 1999. Your posture isn’t just about standing tall; it’s about optimizing your overall health. Why Posture Matters Good posture isn’t for looks alone. It minimizes…

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Say Goodbye to Tech Neck A Chiropractic Perspective

Say Goodbye to “Tech Neck”: A Chiropractic Perspective

By Dr. Jason Crist / September 28, 2023 / Comments Off on Say Goodbye to “Tech Neck”: A Chiropractic Perspective

We get it—tech is essential in our daily lives, especially in the age of remote learning and endless Zoom meetings. But have you or your child experienced frequent headaches or neck pain lately? It might be more than just a minor annoyance. Meet “Tech Neck,” a condition that can put a serious crimp in your…

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Break the Cycle - How to Tackle Stress Headaches

Break the Cycle: How to Tackle Stress Headaches

By Dr. Jason Crist / June 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Break the Cycle: How to Tackle Stress Headaches

Are you eager to put an end to the relentless cycle of stress-induced headaches? If you’re on the lookout for top-tier chiropractic solutions for tension headaches in Franklin, TN, you’ve made a promising start! Keep reading to learn more. The Bottom Line Have you experienced being “stressed out” multiple times just today? Are you already…

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3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

By Dr. Jason Crist / February 28, 2023 / Comments Off on 3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

A neighbor of mine once told me “Getting old is not for the faint of heart,” and that’s always stuck with me. After all, haven’t we all had one of those days where we wake up somehow having managed to injure ourselves in our sleep? Or, if you’re like an old classmate of mine (who…

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pinal Disc Health 101 - The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

By Dr. Jason Crist / February 23, 2023 / Comments Off on Spinal Disc Health 101: The Proven Benefits of Proactive Care

“Move it or lose it!” I’m not really sure where that started, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the person who originally coined that phrase was a chiropractor… thinking about spinal disc health and proactive care. Seriously, It seems that so many of us just don’t realize movement can and is often the best medicine…

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Positive Thinking and the Mind Body Connection

Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

By Dr. Jason Crist / January 11, 2023 / Comments Off on Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person? Have you ever had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “turn that frown upside-down” or who tried to tell you all about positive thinking and the mind-body connection? Perhaps a friend has shared the classic “things…

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