spinal decompression

Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

By Dr. Jason Crist / January 5, 2023 / Comments Off on Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

There’s some real wisdom in the saying that goes “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Have you ever felt like you were working hard and took all the right steps for setting health goals but, at the end of the day, you just weren’t making any progress towards them? That might as…

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Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

How Chiropractic Treats Holiday Stress?

By Dr. Jason Crist / December 20, 2022 / Comments Off on How Chiropractic Treats Holiday Stress?

Your stress level and spinal health are linked through your nervous system. Just think about what happens to you physically when you get stressed out. More specifically, think about how holiday stress affects the body. Your muscles tense, your breathing patterns change, and often, so does the way you move. As the leading neck and…

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Chronic Holiday Stress Chiropractic Can Help

Got Chronic Holiday Stress? Chiropractic Can Help.

By Dr. Jason Crist / December 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Got Chronic Holiday Stress? Chiropractic Can Help.

As the leading chronic pain chiropractor in Franklin, TN, we know a thing or two about stress and the effects it can have on our neighbors before, during, and after the holiday season. And stress can actually be a good thing. If a lion were chasing you, an increase in heart rate, muscle tension, and…

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Ways to Relieve Sciatica

Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 10, 2022 / Comments Off on Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery

Have you ever immediately stopped in your tracks or fallen to your knees because of a sudden onset of sciatica pain? Perhaps your low back “locked-up” and pain shot down your leg after a simple sneeze or cough or you bent over to pick something up. Talk about one of the most unwelcome surprises of…

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What to Do for Low Back Pain

Top Healthcare Organizations Now Agree on What to Do for Low Back Pain

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 2, 2022 / Comments Off on Top Healthcare Organizations Now Agree on What to Do for Low Back Pain

Would you be surprised if we told you that low back pain may well be the number one source of disability across the globe? You might. Would you be surprised if we told you that we were 99.9% certain you had experienced back pain in the last month? Probably not. After all, everyone deals with…

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Your Body is Designed to Move

Your Body is Designed to Move

By Dr. Jason Crist / August 23, 2022 / Comments Off on Your Body is Designed to Move

Your body is built to move and the benefits of movement for your body are immeasurable. Every spinal disc and every individual joint was designed to help you sit, stand, run, and do everything in between. That’s a big part of why we provide functional movement tests in Franklin, TN – to help ensure every…

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Gliding Your Way to Better Health

Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

By Dr. Jason Crist / August 9, 2022 / Comments Off on Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

If you’ve had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger or felt a sharp pain in your back when moving, the cause may have been some sort of dysfunction with one or more of the facet joints (often the lumbar facet joints) of your spine. So, what are the facet joints?…

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Relieving Migraine Headaches

Relieving Migraine Headaches

By Dr. Jason Crist / July 27, 2022 / Comments Off on Relieving Migraine Headaches

Few things can ruin your day as much as a headache. Relieving migraine headaches in particular can feel impossible. They can seemingly appear out of nowhere, though they may hint at their arrival with two other heavy hitters: visual discomfort and nausea. Whatever the symptoms, a migraine is one visitor you don’t want sticking around.…

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Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

By Dr. Jason Crist / July 21, 2022 / Comments Off on The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Daily Headaches

Half of the world’s adult population struggles with headaches at least once a year. And while headaches can seem like no big deal most of the time, they also cause very real pain that affects your quality of life. We’ve talked to a number of patients who regularly put off seeing a chiropractor specializing in…

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Link Between Stress and Headaches

The Link Between Stress and Headaches

By Dr. Jason Crist / July 13, 2022 / Comments Off on The Link Between Stress and Headaches

Are you feeling rushed? Are you dreading a big meeting at work? Take it from the leading provider of natural tension headache treatment in Franklin, TN – these events can all add up to stress and headaches. Often it’s not the event itself that results in a headache but your body’s reaction to stress. If…

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