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what are the signs of sciatica getting better

How to Tell If Your Sciatica Is Getting Better?

By Dr. Jason Crist / April 24, 2024 / Comments Off on How to Tell If Your Sciatica Is Getting Better?

Introduction Living with sciatica can indeed be challenging, but recognizing when your symptoms are improving is vital for your journey to recovery.  As you navigate through the discomfort and limitations caused by sciatic nerve pain, understanding the signs of improvement can provide much-needed reassurance and motivation.  In this guide, we’ll delve into the essential indicators…

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Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief

Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief 

By Dr. Jason Crist / November 24, 2023 / Comments Off on Comparing Decompression vs. Traction for Back Pain Relief 

Back pain is a prevalent issue, impacting up to 80% of adults at some stage. When seeking non-surgical relief, many discover spinal decompression therapy, which employs intermittent traction to relieve spinal discs and nerve pressure. This method is particularly effective for various spinal conditions and back pain.  However, traditional traction therapy also merits consideration as…

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How to Improve Your Posture Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health

How to Improve Your Posture: Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health in Franklin, TN

By Dr. Jason Crist / October 24, 2023 / Comments Off on How to Improve Your Posture: Get the Upper Hand on Spinal Health in Franklin, TN

Are you struggling with slumped shoulders or a nagging backache? Well, you’ve come to the right place. At Crist Chiropractic in Franklin, TN, we’ve been specializing in spinal care since 1999. Your posture isn’t just about standing tall; it’s about optimizing your overall health. Why Posture Matters Good posture isn’t for looks alone. It minimizes…

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Perfect Posture Dynamic, Not Static - The Key to a Pain-Free Neck

Perfect Posture: Dynamic, Not Static – The Key to a Pain-Free Neck

By Dr. Jason Crist / October 12, 2023 / Comments Off on Perfect Posture: Dynamic, Not Static – The Key to a Pain-Free Neck

Today, let’s dive into a fascinating topic – posture. The Myth of Perfect Posture The quest for the “perfect posture” has always been a hot topic, but what if I told you that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer? The latest findings reveal that our posture should be considered dynamic, not static. This means it’s not about…

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Be Smart With Your Smartphone and Look Up: Tips to Prevent Tech Neck Syndrome

Be Smart With Your Digital Device and Look Up: Tips to Prevent Tech Neck Syndrome

By Dr. Jason Crist / September 5, 2023 / Comments Off on Be Smart With Your Digital Device and Look Up: Tips to Prevent Tech Neck Syndrome

Introduction As a chiropractor with years of experience, I’ve seen the ups and downs of technological advancements on human health. One of the challenges in today’s digital age, especially among students, is posture. With e-learning becoming increasingly prevalent, many students are spending a significant amount of time on their digital devices, and not surprisingly, this…

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3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

By Dr. Jason Crist / February 28, 2023 / Comments Off on 3 Key Ways to Prevent a Herniated, Bulging, or Slipped Disc

A neighbor of mine once told me “Getting old is not for the faint of heart,” and that’s always stuck with me. After all, haven’t we all had one of those days where we wake up somehow having managed to injure ourselves in our sleep? Or, if you’re like an old classmate of mine (who…

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Positive Thinking and the Mind Body Connection

Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

By Dr. Jason Crist / January 11, 2023 / Comments Off on Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person? Have you ever had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “turn that frown upside-down” or who tried to tell you all about positive thinking and the mind-body connection? Perhaps a friend has shared the classic “things…

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Is There a Perfect Posture

Is There a Perfect Posture?

By Dr. Jason Crist / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Is There a Perfect Posture?

“Sit up straight and stop slouching!”We’ve all heard (or said) it a million times in the name of having perfect posture.You’ve likely heard this since childhood, and for good reason.Poor posture as a kid can create health challenges later in life.Rounded shoulders (scapular protrusion), swayback (lumbar hyperlordosis) and a hunched upper back (thoracic hyperkyphosis) are…

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Postural Stress

Postural Stress: The Link Between Tech Neck and Pain

By Dr. Jason Crist / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on Postural Stress: The Link Between Tech Neck and Pain

While it’s true that your anatomy can contribute to the levels of postural stress you experience,so can many of the small decisions you make each day.You’ve probably seen an article or two floating around the web about the relationship betweentech neck and pain.You may have even seen an uptick in commercials for neck pain treatment…

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How to Stretch Your Way to Better Health

How to Stretch Your Way to Better Health

By Dr. Jason Crist / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on How to Stretch Your Way to Better Health

Life is motion.“Motion is lotion” for your body.You get the idea.The point is that moving every day is crucially important to your overall health and wellness, and stretching (and knowing how to stretch properly) is just as important to making sure you’re moving well.The truth is, stretching is an often overlooked element of self care.That’s…

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